Thursday 13 February 2014

Chapter 9 : Enabling The organization - Decision Making


The Decision Making Process
  •  The process of making decision plays a crucial role in communication  and leadership for operational,managerial and strategic project.
Decision Making Essentials
  • A few key concepts about organizational structure will help our discussion of MIS decision making tools.


  • Operational decision are considered structured decision,which are in situations where established processes offer potential solution. 


Common Company Structure

Operational :

  • Employees develop, control and maintain core business activities required.
  • Also considered structured decision ,arise in situations where established process offer potential solutions.
  • Made frequently and are almost repetitive in nature.

 Managerial :

  • Employees are continuously evaluating company operations  to hone the firm's abilities to identify, adapt, to and leverage change.
  • Cover short and medium range plans, schedules and budget along with policies, procedure and business objectives for the firm.
  • Semistructured decision occur in situation few established process help to evaluate potential solutions.
  • EXAMPLE:decision about producing new product changing employee benefits range from unstructured to semistuctured


  • Managers develop overall business strategies, goals, and objectives.
  • Monitor strategic performance and its overall direction in political,economic and competitive business environment.
  • Unstructured decisions,in situation in which procedures or rules exists to guide decision makers.

Transaction Processing Systems
  • online  transaction processing (OLTP) =The capturing of transaction and event informative using technology.
  • online analytical processing (OLAP) = The manipulated of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making.

Strategic Support Systems 
  1. Consolidation
  2. Drill Down 
  3. Slice and Dice

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence Systems :

  • various commercial application of artificial intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence (AL) :
  • simulates human intelligence such as the ability to a reason and learn 

 Categories of AL include :
  1. EXPERT SYSTEM : imitate the reasoning processes of expert in solving difficult problems.
  2. NEURAL NETWORK : attempt emulate the way the human brain work.
  3. GENETIC ALGORITHM : an AI system that mimics the evolutionary, survival of the benefits process to generate increasingly better solution to a problems.
  4. INTELLIGENT AGENT: have knowledge of based information systems that accomplishes specific tasks on behalf of its users such as multi agent systems and agent based modeling.  

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